Now it is easier to get a loan. Get money directly into your hands without leaving home, at any time, without collecting documents.

Now your view of credit will be completely different. With Embafinans and "OnePoint" credit was always at your fingertips. Be the owner of money in a few clicks.

OnePoint, a partner of  Embafinans JSC, is now at your service.

By using the mentioned link you can easily register and get short-term loans.

• Lack of official work and credit history is no longer a problem. Make your history with us!

• Applications are processed within 5 - 10 minutes and credit is immediately transferred to the card you have registered

• The possibility of applying from any point of Azerbaijan at the time of need

• Only your ID card is enough. Other information is obtained by OnePoint

Now Embafinans has become even closer to you. Loans that will cover daily needs will ensure the comfort of you and your loved ones. Let's move towards big goals with small steps!

A new breath, a new view and a new approach in lending!

Don't forget to follow OnePoint on social networks, which prioritizes providing you with even more extensive services with a mobile application and new partners in the near future.