"Embafinans" JSC ended 2023 with a profit of 5 million 325 thousand manats. In 2022, "Embafinans"'s profit was 3 million 170 thousand manats, which means an increase of 68% compared to the year.

Banker.az informs about this with reference to the financial report of BOKT.

Last year, the interest income of "Embafinans" increased by 48% to 15,313,000 manats, and the fee and commission income increased twice to 131,831 manats.

As of December 31, 2023, the total assets of BOKT amounted to 58 million 634 thousand manats, which is a 35.3% increase compared to the previous year. Loans given to customers amounted to 51 million 380 thousand manats. Thus, the loan portfolio of "Embafinans" grew by 36%.

The total liabilities of "Embafinans" were 40 million 40 thousand manats, and the total capital was 18 million 594 thousand manats.